Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Snow Along The Wasatch

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bountiful's Skatepark News

Council Meeting at Bountiful City Hall
Tuesday, November 28 @ 7:00 PM
Bountiful's Skatepark is on the agenda to be discussed

The newest proposed location for the Bountiful Park is going to be at Rocket Park. This isn't final and there is a public, preliminary discussion on this topic at the next city council meeting in Bountiful.

They are doubts about this location.

We need a park, and it if it passes, it WILL be designed by you!!!!

John Pitt, a representive of the city council, is for the idea and is backing the park but he can't do it alone. Anyone who skates or supports skating needs to be there. Although the meeting may or may not be open to public comment, but your appearance can prove to be greater than words...

Whether you skate or not, pass the word around and get everyone's attention, even rollerbladers, bikers, scooters, freestyle walkers. Just get the word out.

TUESDAY, November 28 @ 7:00 PM

News Courtesy of Tadashi Miya of the SRFC Skate Team

Monday, November 20, 2006

Tune Out The World....

Skullcandy headphones are in. Trent from the snow team backs the Smokin' Buds on and off the hill so if you say hi to him and he ignores you it's cause he can't hear you over his beats.


New For 07

The King

Thursday, November 16, 2006

B By Burton

Who cares about'll turn heads with this B By Burton kit.

Analog for Alta

Monday, November 13, 2006

Gnu delievered

Rider's Choice, Street Series, B-Street Series.....

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Trick Tip

Michael Jackson's are soooo in this year.

Join The Army....

Headphones Included - Beats Not

more Burton outerwear. come check it.

come get your fourstar

Brown or Black

You choose because we've got both colorways in stock.

Reynolds 3 in Premium

Bling included

B.Herman Pro Model

It's furry on the inside!


We have a few Sector 9's in stock so pick one up cause they're going fast.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Stairmaster Extremes

We got a few more in stock so don't sleep if you wanted one of these boards this season.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Koston Tip